Thursday 7 June 2012

"Our GOD Is A Jealous GOD"

So much for knowing that our God is an awesome God but do you know that He is also a jealous God?
Well,I want to share another experience with all of you and I hope that this could inspire you to know more of Him – AMEN!
On the 10th May 2011 (Sunday),I took my “baby”(keyboard)home from church and when I braked my car,the keyboard fell from the back and broke 5 of its keys! I was so sad and immediately I called my Pastor to see if he could do anything to fix them back – he told that it needed to be sent for repair because it involves changing the whole set of keys! This keyboard of mine has been with me for more than 12 years and eversince I moved down to KL,I began to depend on it more – I will play and sometimes compose songs in my room and really takes care of it like my own “baby”! I also carries it to church every weekends for service (Chinese service on Saturdays & sometimes I will play for English service).So I guess,you can imagine how I would feel if something happens to it.

Below is an sms correspondence between me and my Chinese Service Pastor’s wife :
Pastor's wife :
Sis, how are you doing? May God give you revelation to encourage body of Christ. Sorry for the loss keyboard. All things happen for good for those who love Him.

Lisa Lim :
Hi sis! Thank you for your concern over my keyboard but to tell u the truth, it was a test from the Lord! He was letting me know that I should not idolise - be it man,things or idols.No doubt He is a forgiving & understanding God but our God is also a very jealous God. Well, this was clearly is a lesson for me & as I begin to let go of worldly things; He will then prepare me to receive His heavenly things - AMEN!!

I was praying to God after this incident & I told Him that if I recover this keyboard,I will only use it to glorify Him! Little did I know,I got a news today saying that they found the spare parts for my loss keys – Praise God! Thank You Jesus!

My Testimony ~ Divine Love (Lisa Lim)

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