Wednesday 6 June 2012

"Bridal Love ~ My Love For Jesus"

"Bridal Love", which we so much need, is actually a gift from God. It is a reflection of His own love and innermost being. So strong, so pure, so fervent is this love that its potential is unlimited. This love can achieve far more than all natural force in heaven and on earth, possessing the greatest authority because it comes from the heart of Jesus. It was Jesus' love which constrained Him to suffer for the redemption of the world. Bridal love, that 'reflection of His own love', now gives us the grace to suffer and sacrifice.
I have experienced this wonderful gift from Him and this just imparted such strength to me. This love alone has made me genuinely happy, bringing joy! Jesus wants us to love Him with first love, bridal love - for He Himself is the Bridegroom.

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