Thursday 14 June 2012

"Unconditional Love"

For those who did not read my earlier testimony "Our God Is Truly An Awesome God", may follow the below link. 

After the visitation, I left to “Summit Selayang Shopping Complex” to buy my medicine and its situated just opposite the hospital. Quickly I called my Pastor because they have invited me to their new house for dinner in Taman Templer (on the way to Rawang) but the clouds suddenly turned dark and began to rain so heavily I was stucked! As I was waiting eagerly for the rain to stop, I was led by The Holy Spirit to speak to a security guard outside CIMB Bank. I prayed & then walked towards the man. I asked him where he’s from & he told that he is from Pakistan & surprisingly, he speaks fluent English - not only that, he’s well-mannered, soft spoken & our God wants to touch him - AMEN!
His name is Farooq and he has been round the world – working of course! But The Lord revealed to me that there’s a "missing link" somewhere in his life & he is still waiting for the answer to his question. Immediately God used me to minister to Farooq & he acknowledged Jesus that He has died and rose again. Farooq’s family are all in Pakistan. I told him God knew that he had a dream and that the dream could only be accomplished through Him - AMEN! Farooq was stunned when I told him that God actually heard his cries and that He will elevate him to become someone great, glorifying His name - AMEN again! The Holy Spirit gave him a verse : ISAIAH 41:13 [For I hold you by your right hand. I, The Lord your God. And I say to you,”Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you”].

God gave Simon Raj (the patient in the hospital) the same verse and He even directed me to pass Farooq a Bible. Farooq was so happy & before I left him, I prayed for him. The rain then stopped! AMAZING! That was what Christians usually say,”God’s timing is always the best timing! - AMEN”.

I told my Pastor all that has happened and he acknowledged them by confirming that all of those are the works from God & there will be more to come.
Praise The Lord! I am now looking forward to do more of God's work in my daily activities.

My Testimony ~ Divine Love (Lisa Lim)

Thursday 7 June 2012

"Trusting GOD's Will"

(Part 1) ~ Trusting GOD's Will

This is another testimony where not only me but my friends and Pastors witnessed when I was healed by GOD instantly and behind this miracle was something I never thought one would believe. And the story goes like this :

Early this year (February 2012) , I stayed back in my company till 10 pm in the night because I had to complete my work. I took my car and drove back home and after reaching the entrance of my home, I saw a motorbike with 2 young boys without any helmets outside the gate. I thought they were just having a ride near my area because where I stay is actually situated on top of the hill - very windy & scenic especially in the night.
But little did I know, as soon as I came out of my car heading towards the gate, the motorbike came right in front of my house and 1 of the boys came charging towards me snatching my handbag! He was trying very hard to snatch my bag away but I just didn't let go! I screamed and screamed and fell to the ground. It really hurts when I was dragged by the boy on their bike because I didn't let go of my handbag. I screamed until my neighbours began to switched their car porch lights and came out. Immediately the boys left.
I was severely injured on the right side of my body and leg. I couldn't walk and my house mate had to come out to take me into the house and we called the police after that. As the policeman was taking down the report, my leg was turning purplish and it was swollen - looked like an elephant leg! Thank God my house mate rubbed and applied some herbal oinment onto the affected area but still, I was suffering when I got back into my room. I couldn't sleep the whole night - I was up reading the Bible and broke down in tears........ 

(Part 2) ~ Trusting GOD's Will

I was in pain! - the kind of pain I cannot described and so I began to ask GOD, "Why?!"...."Why me and why is this happening?!".
I was very frustrated with GOD during that time and it was not the first time incidents like this happened - many times I wanted to move away to another place but I just couldn't find the right home or the right location! Now, things have gotten worst and I started to blame GOD - I began to questioned HIM for all that has happened! I even raised my voice and told HIM that I will do whatever it takes to move to another home (I was renting a room nearby my working place).
I called my Pastor and told him about the incident but was stunned when he told me : "NO!". I was truly shocked when I heard him telling me that I should not leave the house but to stay on for another 6 months! Now, that really made me lose my mind for a while but I managed to hold myself together and asked my Pastor. My Pastor told that the LORD revealed to him that I must stay in the house for that period of time for HIS purpose to take birth. Again, I broke down in tears but this time, it seemed my tears were never-ending and my heart felt pain. My Pastor said that the ultimate choice is still mine and the LORD said to him that HE has a great plan for me. I stopped crying and said to my Pastor that I will need to pray about this and so I did.
That was the night my whole destiny was changed - by GOD - when I allowed HIM to fully take charge of my life ! Amen!

(Part 3 - Conclusion) ~ Trusting GOD's Will

Do you sometimes wonder where all the pieces of your life fit together in GOD's plan for you? You may get anxious or impatient to see the whole picture. There will be times when a fragment of your life doesn't quite seem to fit what you'd envisioned or hoped it could be. Learning to trust GOD's will for your life is a little like finding the pieces of jigsaw puzzle and putting them together.
So in this testimony of mine, as I sorted through countless pieces, I found myself asking just what GOD's picture and will for me is. The answer doesn't always come immediately. It's only when I picked up each piece, hold it up to GOD, and ask HIM to show me where it fits that I finally catch a partial glimpse of HIS plan and will.
Coming back to my story, after praying and asking GOD whatever that was on my mind, I managed to sleep soundly and I knew I had to obey whatever was spoken to me that night because I found the inner peace. The next morning, I woke up and touched my leg, still pain and swollen but I remembered that the LORD promised that HE will heal me. My Pastor came and took me to the clinic where I was given a pain-killer (vaccination) and the doctor told that I must take rest for about 10 days and daily must report to the clinic for the vaccination to take away the swell. So the doctor wrote 10 medical sheets (to be submitted to my company) for me to rest at home.
I remembered every single thing the Holy Spirit had told me and so obediently I waited for the things to come to pass. Early in the morning the very next day, I woke up not realising there wasn't any pain in my leg and I could walk normally. Praise God! Praise God! I shouted and kept on giving thanks to Him! I could then wear my shoes and even drive to church for my church activities. My house mates were stunned and amazed with the miracle because they knew it was difficult to totally heal from that injury of mine. But God turned around the whole situation and gotten these unbelievers witnessing a miracle! Hallelujah! Praise GOD! And now, I am sharing the Good News to them.

My Testimony ~ Divine Love (Lisa Lim)

"Our GOD Is A Jealous GOD"

So much for knowing that our God is an awesome God but do you know that He is also a jealous God?
Well,I want to share another experience with all of you and I hope that this could inspire you to know more of Him – AMEN!
On the 10th May 2011 (Sunday),I took my “baby”(keyboard)home from church and when I braked my car,the keyboard fell from the back and broke 5 of its keys! I was so sad and immediately I called my Pastor to see if he could do anything to fix them back – he told that it needed to be sent for repair because it involves changing the whole set of keys! This keyboard of mine has been with me for more than 12 years and eversince I moved down to KL,I began to depend on it more – I will play and sometimes compose songs in my room and really takes care of it like my own “baby”! I also carries it to church every weekends for service (Chinese service on Saturdays & sometimes I will play for English service).So I guess,you can imagine how I would feel if something happens to it.

Below is an sms correspondence between me and my Chinese Service Pastor’s wife :
Pastor's wife :
Sis, how are you doing? May God give you revelation to encourage body of Christ. Sorry for the loss keyboard. All things happen for good for those who love Him.

Lisa Lim :
Hi sis! Thank you for your concern over my keyboard but to tell u the truth, it was a test from the Lord! He was letting me know that I should not idolise - be it man,things or idols.No doubt He is a forgiving & understanding God but our God is also a very jealous God. Well, this was clearly is a lesson for me & as I begin to let go of worldly things; He will then prepare me to receive His heavenly things - AMEN!!

I was praying to God after this incident & I told Him that if I recover this keyboard,I will only use it to glorify Him! Little did I know,I got a news today saying that they found the spare parts for my loss keys – Praise God! Thank You Jesus!

My Testimony ~ Divine Love (Lisa Lim)

Wednesday 6 June 2012

"Our GOD Is Truly An Awesome GOD"

God is good, all the time - there might be times when you feel God is not there & you just want to give up on everything but let me tell you, your feelings are wrong about God - He is a good God & you just have to submit to Him & let Him work in your life - "let go & let God" - then you will begin to experience Him just like I did. I know it is easier said than done but if you never try, you will never know.
I would like to share my testimony with all of you and I hope that it will encourage you to boldly share Christ's unconditional love to the people around you - AMEN!

From this incident, I could clearly see that He truly has a plan for me here in Selayang bcos He is now revealing them to me one by one - AMEN! Every unpleasant things that happened to me was actually a blessing in disguise & to also test my faith. I have tasted His love & I will do anything for Him! I am fervently praying that His will be done in my life. Last Sunday (1 May 2011 – Labour Day) after church service, I decided to go to Selayang Hospital (5 mins away from church) because when I prayed a few weeks back,The Holy Spirit told me to go there to pray for someone & due to my tight schedule I didn't attend to this but as I seek Him that Sunday morning during church service, He reminded me again! So this time, no more delaying -I prayed before I go so that He will direct me to the right ward & the person that I will meet or pray for. Its really amazing how God works and I fully obeyed His calling and depended on Him that very moment.

True enough, He directed me to a Catholic family where a brother was knocked down by a car and flew off from his motorbike in Kepong area last Saturday while waiting at a traffic light @ 3 am in the morning. The doctor said his brain could not register properly and while talking he can actually fall asleep but the sad part was his fiancee (supposed to marry on the 1 May 2011 in a church wedding) was there too & she is a Hindu - as I laid hands to pray for Simon Raj (the patient), I heard a small still voice saying that these are the 2 families to be saved - AMEN! Hallelujah! I am now praying for them and I hope you can also pray that God will continue to use me to share Christ love with them & that His healing hands will always be upon this brother. Thank you and God bless.

My Testimony ~ Divine Love (Lisa Lim)

"Bridal Love ~ My Love For Jesus"

"Bridal Love", which we so much need, is actually a gift from God. It is a reflection of His own love and innermost being. So strong, so pure, so fervent is this love that its potential is unlimited. This love can achieve far more than all natural force in heaven and on earth, possessing the greatest authority because it comes from the heart of Jesus. It was Jesus' love which constrained Him to suffer for the redemption of the world. Bridal love, that 'reflection of His own love', now gives us the grace to suffer and sacrifice.
I have experienced this wonderful gift from Him and this just imparted such strength to me. This love alone has made me genuinely happy, bringing joy! Jesus wants us to love Him with first love, bridal love - for He Himself is the Bridegroom.

Friday 1 June 2012

"GOD Is Unwrapping My Spiritual Gifts"

Praise God! Praise God! I am certainly filled with the Holy Spirit more than ever now ~ His gifts on me are activated and I am amazed seeing things I thought I could never do - Hallelujah! I love You, Lord.

"You Must Know What You Are Proclaiming"

You must know what you are proclaiming. The question is HOW? Well, you will know when you look at the fruit produced by the message proclaimed. I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to post this here and I pray that the Holy Spirit will also minister to all of you through this message. The true message of Jesus Christ will set you free - not put you in bondage and it makes you happy when you correctly understand it.

"Ride The Wind Of God's Will"

[4 February 2012 :11 am]
Doing Devotion In My Room.

As God pushes me along with a mind set on finishing that which He started, I knew I had to completely surrender to His will and my ways in life. Now I began to weep because I could feel the presence of His Holy Spirit with me. When the wind of God's will blows, I had to let go of every object of security, resist grabbing on to anything that would hold me back, and ride the wind wherever it takes me - towards the remote island of intimacy with Him - Jesus, I love You!

"You Are Enough For Me"

[4 February 2012 : 9.50 am]

I woke up this morning and felt that I have to talk to God - remembered a picture I took while visited a ship selling Christian materials. I chose to post this picture this morning because I want to let God knows this :

My dear Father in heaven,
I just want You. Your joy, peace, fullness, and friendship - that's enough for me.